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Trade Secret Litigation Lawyer Anaheim, CA

Trade Secret Litigation Lawyer Anaheim, CA

Any and all business information that is not widely known in which reasonable efforts must be made to keep it private is considered a trade secret. Trade secrets are used in businesses and often provide an advantage over the competition. Unlike copyrights, patents, or trademarks, which are available to the public, a trade secret can have an effect on the business if it is fully disclosed. For this reason, we strongly recommend implementing ways to keep trade secrets a secret. When confidentiality is broken and a business suffers, legal action can be taken against that party. If you are dealing with a trade secret matter, please contact our Anaheim, CA trade secret litigation lawyer for guidance at this time. Our team at Focus Law LA can be strategic in keeping trade secrets private or taking action if a violation occurs.

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trade secret litigation lawyer Anaheim, CA

How We Can Help

Most businesses have some trade secrets, and they may suffer if that protection is lost when the secret becomes known to the public. Compared to other types of intellectual property, there is no expirations date for trade secrets. Our team is experienced in advising clients on how to maintain privacy and what to do if this gets breached by another party. We understand just how crucial it is to safeguard trade secrets and promptly address threats of disclosure or use. We can help you by developing plans for keeping your secrets a secret. Whether that is through passwords, restricted access procedures, locked cabinets, documentation, or other methods. If a trade secret has been taken from your business and given to others, we can offer immediate guidance on what to do next. We are aware of the time sensitivity of matters like this and can intervene right away. Our knowledgeable trade secret litigation attorney can work towards preventing the loss of sensitive information, including the following: 

  • Using physical security measures that make it more challenging for trade secrets to be accessed 
  • Utilizing password protected devices with remote control abilities 
  • Implementing firewalls and configuring your network so trade secrets are only available to those on a need-to-know basis
  • Meeting with employees who leave the company through an exit interview and reminding them of the non-disclosure agreement they signed and the potential consequences of breaching this contract

Focus Law LA

If your efforts to keep a trade secret private failed due to another party, we urge you to speak with us at Focus Law LA quickly. Your business can suffer harm so it is imperative that the situation is handled with a sense of urgency. If you want to learn more about ways to keep trade secrets private or other related matters, reach out to our CA trade secret litigation attorney as soon as you can. If the situation warrants litigation, we can prepare you for that. We take seriously what is at stake, and will do everything in our power to protect your business and take action against those who have violated trade secret law. Please contact our law firm today.

Focus Law LA

Client Review

"I highly recommend attorney Tony Liu for anyone who needs legal assistance. An invalid subpoena was served on me, but Tony resolved it quickly and effectively. Tony's expertise and professionalism saved me a lot of time, money, and stress. He did an amazing job and I am very grateful for his service. Thank you, Tony!"
Annie Park
Client Review